This creepy project is super easy and perfect for Halloween. It is very similar to the “Shower Jellies” you see in LUSH
3/4 cup water
1 packet powdered gelatin
1/2 cup of liquid soap (use a liquid soap base since it’s unscented and uncolored)
liquid colorant ( green )
fragrance oil
1 teaspoon table salt
cups, jar, or a glass pan
spooky eyeballs or other creepy objects (optional)
1.Place the gelatin powder in a bowl. Meanwhile, bring the water to a boil. Stir water into gelatin until powder is dissolved.
2.Stir in liquid soap.
3. Add colorant. Now add a few drops of fragrance oil.
4) Stir in the salt until dissolved. Put creepy objects into cups or jar and pour in soap (it is lukewarm at this point). Or you can pour soap into a glass pan.
5) Put soap into fridge for several hours or overnight. It’s fun to cut it up into cubes and scoop out, which become single use soaps. Or you can use a fork and shred it into wormy noodles and pile up in a bowl. The eyeballs made the bottom of the slime a little white but it adds to it’s grossness!
If you like this project or are looking for more Halloween inspiration pop on over and check out CraftGossips Halloween Projects
Will definitely try making this for halloween.