So we, I mean my husband went through a phase of growing a beard right before COVID lockdown hit, so not having to go to work made growing in the beard far easier. I mean pyjamas and not having to shave every day he was living the good life.
We took this opportunity to check out some DIY beard oils to help soften beards and nourish the hair. If you thought you could just grow hair on your face and not care for it you are very crazy my friend. If you’re growing or maintaining facial hair, applying beard oil should be a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.
Beard oil moisturizes facial hair and the skin beneath.
Lots of these DIY’s are shown in a glass eye dropper bottle, but whilst these look stylish I actually love using a spray bottle
for a spritz of all. I have dropped far too many glass eyedropper bottles in my bathroom.
The best time to apply your homemade beard oil is first thing in the morning after you have showered or cleansed your face. This way, your pores and hair follicles will be wide open and able to absorb the oil. Of course, night-time is a good time to do this too. The main reason for day time application is the oil moisturizes your skin before you head out into the elements.
You only need a few drops, rubbed into your beard for it to be effective. When it comes to styling, you simply style as normal. It’s a good idea to invest in good beard comb
.Natural Beard Oil —
Lemon Cedar Beard Oil | Essential Oils for Men
The Best Recipe for DIY Beard Oil [With Free Labels!]
DIY Beard Oil Recipe: So Easy to Make!
DIY Beard Oil With Essential Oils
Homemade All-Natural Beard Oil DIY
Natural Beard Conditioning Oil Recipe
Looking for more oil recipes Check these out.
Smokers Beard Oil
hides the smell and nourishes at the same time.
15 ml grapeseed oil or Coconut oil
5 drops vitamin E oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil
3 drops black pepper essential oil
4 drops cinnamon essential oil
Anti- Dandruff Beard Oil
15 ml of Coconut oil
5 drops vitamin E oil
3 drops Rosemary Essential oil
3 drops Ylang Ylang
3 drops of Chamomile essential oil
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