I have heard of this before but really thought it was more of a hippy, earth grounding, back to nature kind of thing. After reading this article by Dr Axe, it us slightly more believable. The best thing about this “Cure all” is it’s free. Yes no pills involved and no expensive treatments. Simply take your shoes off and walk around this fine earth.
As the Journal of Environmental and Public Health states:
It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons. The Earth’s negative charges can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems which may be important for setting the biological clock, regulating circadian rhythms, and balancing cortisol levels.
Do you think it could help? Have you tried it?
South Africans do it all the time!
No, it will not help. Depending on where you are, it could even expose you to some new friends like histoplasmosis.
( The Journal of Environmental and Public Health is an open-access journal and the author pays a fee to have his/her research published. The publication has an impact factor of 1.993. By way of comparison, the top-ranked public health journal, the Lancet, has an impact factor of 10.042).
Your initial assessment that this was hippy-dippyism is correct. Walking around barefoot in your yard on a nice day helps foster a feeling of contentment, but then so does knitting and eating chocolate.