ENFLEURAGE ………. huh, pardon what is she on about now I hear you mutter under your breath 🙂 Well until today I had no idea what it was either. ENFLEURAGE – the art of capturing the scent of flowers in some kind of fat for later use as a perfume. That got you thinking didn’t it………… Have any of you seen the movie “Perfume” before? you know the one where the guy kills 13 redheaded virgins for perfume. It’s called an ENFLEURAGE and it’s pretty easy actually.
- deodorised/refined fat — it’s important that it smells as neutral as possible. You could use refined shea butter or cocoa butter can be an alternative. Animal fat can be used as well, but why kill animals for that?
- a flat tray/plate and a plate of glass of the same size (or plastic wrap if you don’t have a glass plate)
- flowers (this “cold” enfleurage is perfect for fragile scents like roses, tuberoses, hyacinthes or citrus peels but you can basically just experiment. Just don’t start killing virgins :D)
- gum benzoin solution (it’s a fragrant resin that helps to stabilize the perfume)
Pop on over to Mademoisellechaos Blog for a step by step tutorial on how to do this yourself. HOW EXCITING I would love to hear comments from any of you out there that have tried this before.
Wow, what a clever idea! I haven’t tried this but will definitely put it on my ‘must try this’ list. We have a load of roses that we never know what to do with, and this would be a great way to use them well (you know, the ones that aren’t good enough to just put in a vase). Thanks for the link to the tutorial!
It’s a great idea,could we choose different flowers to enfleurage by ourselves?