One warning before you start: you need to know the basics of soapmaking before you try this. There are many, many books and websites out there that can get you started. But in the meantime click here for a basic rundown of HOT PROCESS soapmaking
8 ounces of shortening
6 ounces of coconut oil
2 ounces of olive oil
2.34 ounces of lye
6 ounces of water
1/4 ounce of unsweetened baking chocolate
2 ounces of white chocolate
Melt all the fats together, then add in the chocolates and let it cool. Meanwhile, stir in the lye into water until it has dissolved completely. Once the fats mixtures has cooled to 100 degrees, thoroughly mix in the lye/water mixture.
Pour the mix into a blender, and blend it on low for 20 seconds.
Pour out the mixture into your soap molds. The mix will first turn light, and then dark, and it’ll end up smelling like Devil’s Food cake. Yum!
Love chocolate!!!