We all do it, we grab our phone and get on with work stuff, social media stuff and other such things while parenting. Let’s face it! We are 24 hour parents so there has to be a time when the two areas crossover. Could you do it? Could you put your phone down when parenting? Why should you?
A recent study showed that parents who were texting were crankier in their responses to their children. I know I don’t aim to be a cranky parent so if having a device in my hands makes me “Cranky” and thus be the parent I don’t want to be then It should be going away.
My children get my attention enough but there are times when I escape into social media or emails.
I am getting better at blocking out the background noise to escape for a moment. Obviously when I do this my children are safe; usually when we are car tripping (and I am not driving).
Does your iPhone make you cranky?
Read the Full iphone and parenting article here.
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