Kate Chisholm has decided that the standards at her UK School “Skerne Park Academy” are slipping down the drain. It’s not because of the children but the mums at drop off. (Read Article here)
Head Teacher Kate has sent a letter home chastising the parents for their poor judgement when it comes to wearing pyjamas and slippers to school drop off. I wonder who are we to judge? What if the parents are in their pajamas because they were so busy taking care of their children that they had no time for themselves. Is it laziness or yet again another mother sacrificing her dignity so that she can get her children to school on-time for an education.
I am guessing by the letter though that the Head Teacher wasn’t calling out parents for one off mistakes. Personally I couldn’t think of anything worse than wearing my PJ’s outside of the house, but then maybe I need to buy some new flattering ones or something. Plus there is always that issue of cross contamination from bedroom clothes to outdoor germs. I don’t wash my pyjamas every day do you? Do you know how often you should wash them? Check it out here.
That’s ridiculous. They have no right to dictate.
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! I love it and I’d go to that school just for that!! It is ridiculous that parents would think that bed wear is suitable for the public. We teach our children to have pride yet we can slum around? I happen to think its a terrible terrible example for our children. Slso, in her letter she didnt demand anything, there was no dictatorship, she politely requested sometng the rest of us clothed parents tnink every day.
It takes how many minutes to put on real pants and shoes????
If they are on school grounds, the principal has every right to dictate. And really what kind of example are you setting for your own children let alone others if you’re out and about in your pajamas?! Stay in your car. Many states have laws requiring proper footwear if you are driving a car. And slippers don’t fill the bill. What’s the matter with people these days? She’s just asking you to do the right thing
I, for one, am so tired of seeing customers at the local supermarket in pajama bottoms. Not just loose, comfortable pants, but real pajama bottoms.
Maybe I’m just too old…
In all honesty I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but how does wearing pj’s to school drop off alter how children grow up? As an adult woman with an asian background, my mother would wear the cultural clothing that sometimes she would fall asleep in, that hasn’t made me grow up to think everyone should wear that item of clothing. If a person is comfortable in pj’s while out doors, so be it. If you don’t like it don’t do it! There are many aspects of life that can ‘set and example’ to children, like body modification etc, but it doesn’t mean everyone goes around with metal implanted under their skin!