I had to share this tutorial and I know you will all come down hard on me but I think there is a valuable lesson to be learned here. Choose your colors carefully with an open mind.
The actual felted soap tutorial is great!!
It’s just that the background color is reminiscent of a hotel shower drain and then they go and whack a big red stain on it. I know it’s too graphic, but I know I am not the only one seeing this right? We are woman we can be honest with one another right? Would you use it ?
You can see what a difference it makes when they swap out the grey (pubic hair color) for a lovingly pink fiber. Such a better result.
I totally agree with you!
Do I think that particular grey/brown is pleasing? No. But I personally would rather someone contact me personally or at least on my blog than make a post somewhere else on the internet to poke fun at me or my choices.
We love your Blog! So please don’t be disappointed sometimes we have to see through the negative to capture the positives.
I see sock monkey when I see the color combo 🙂
Hi Shellie, I didn’t know whether to laugh out loud, cry, to be upset that you used my photos for your post without a head’s up or to gag. What you see isn’t anything I even considered (I actually like the neutral/natural/woodsy colors) but I guess there’s always someone who will find a negative twist. Thanks for the reminder and the feature. 😛
It’s not mine. I was just saying in general. 😛