I am not really surprised that a plastic doll is not only more outgoing than me but she has more instagram followers too. Craftgossip.com has only just recently started on instagram. Craftgossip has 37 followers and SocialityBarbie has 979,000 followers.
But like any true celebrity Barbie has a secret identity. SocialityBarbie was created by, let’s say a slightly disgruntled photographer who thought instagram was getting a little Cray Cray. So she decided to take common instagram selfie setups and restyle them using Barbie. She even adds the crazy #hash tags that people (over) use. I know you want to follow her now too don’t you? Check out some of the pictures as they are very funny.
38! 😉 you’re welcome. 😀
60 now cause of me. 🙂
Thank you.. 🙂