Having grown up in West Texas & graduated from Texas Tech University, I was happy to discover Lubbock-based Tierra Verde Handmade Soap. Soapmaker Michele Lang is a wife, mom, and self-declared soap nerd with an entrepreneurial spirit. She says her passion is the artistic interpretation that is now very alive in the handmade soap community & she views soap as functional art. Tierra Verde Handmade Soaps are all created from a vegetable oil base, with shea butter added to insure great conditioning. I had the opportunity to try a few of Michele’s soaps & was very pleased with all of them. The Tuscany Kitchen Soap is made using olive oil, tomatoes and a blend of lemongrass, rosemary and oregano creating a bouquet reminiscent of Old Italy. It helps eliminate odors from your hands after handling onions, fish and other smelly foods. Another great product is the Herbaceous Soap which has a nice minty & herbal scent that is subtle, not overpowering. And I love the Fleur de lis Soap that has a light scent & beautiful appearance. This is a nice soap for men, as well. Michele’s best-seller is the Chill Soap and she also offers a four-piece gift set that includes one soap, a sisal soap saver pouch, a ramie washcloth, and a boar bristle nail brush. Check out Michele’s blog for updates & additional information.
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a soap made with tomatoes before! It has me very curious. . . do you actually smell the tomatoes or does the acidity just help curb foul smells? Sounds very unique!
Hi Courtney,
The acid,along with bentonite clay and the eo blend help to deodorize. The scent is of lemongrass and rosemary with a slight oregano note.
Hi Courtney,
The acid,along with bentonite clay ajd the eo blend help to deodorize. The scent is 9f lemongrass and rosemary with a slight oregano note.;