No one tells you about the leftover saggy bits after you drop kilos do they? Even the most beautiful woman have their secrets too. No one is perfect just remember that. Some of us can get away with tucking it into some high underwear or shapewear but for other women and men it’s more serious: it’s a devastating excess weight bringing their life down.
Here is a roundup of 10 ways to tighten your loose skin using natural remedies: this is for those of us who have a little and not a lot to worry about.
Sometimes natural is not enough and this inspiring story of how one woman changed her life with surgery will leave you breathless.
Surgical loose skin removal – One Woman’s journey
Let’s face it, getting older comes with its fair share of changes, Ugh . One of those changes is sagging skin. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and gravity takes its toll, leaving us with sagging skin in all the wrong places. It can be frustrating, and for some of us, it can be downright depressing.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few things I’ve learned about learning to love your sagging skin:
It’s important to recognize that sagging skin is a natural part of the aging process. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it doesn’t define who you are as a person. Accepting that your body is changing is the first step towards learning to love yourself just the way you are.
I’ve found that taking good care of my skin has helped me to appreciate it more, even though I am a late starter when it comes to selfcare. Even though it may not be as tight and firm as it once was, my skin is still an important part of my body and deserves to be treated with care. Moisturizing regularly and protecting it from the sun are two simple ways to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.
I have my teenager to thank for reminding me it is never too late to start. A neighbor also got me onto collagen powder and that has made a dramatic difference to just my nails in two weeks, so I can only imagine what it has done to the rest of my body.
Another helpful tip is to focus on the things you love about your body, rather than the things you don’t. Instead of fixating on your sagging skin, think about your beautiful smile, your sparkling eyes, or your strong legs that carry you through each day.
Remember that your body is capable of amazing things and that in itself is something to be proud of. Don’t just say yeah yeah, I actually mean this, pick one thing you love and start from there.
Surround yourself with positive influences. Follow social media accounts that celebrate all body types and sizes, and spend time with people who uplift and encourage you. Being around people who love and accept themselves can help you to do the same.
Learning to love your sagging skin is a journey, and it won’t happen overnight. But with a little self-care and a shift in mindset, it’s definitely possible. Remember that you are beautiful and worthy, and your body is a reflection of the incredible life you’ve lived. So embrace your sagging skin, and live your life with confidence and joy.
No…don’t have any surgery before you try a Skinny Wrap! They are amazing!