Now that the weather is cooling off, the wind will start to bite a little more and more each day. Don’t get caught with chapped and dry lips. Try one of these 8 DIY recipes to make your own lip balm and have perfectly plump lips all Winter long.
The most popular lip balm recipe at the moment is the 3 ingredient lip balm. To make a 3 ingredient lip balm you need a softening agent, a setting agent, and a fragrance or scent. This is a simple way to make a homemade lip balm.
3 ingredient lip balm –
1/4 cup bee’s wax to set the balm, . and 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil for moisture and firmness. 1 1/2 teaspoons almond oil to nourish your lips. 4-6 drops of cosmetic grade essential oil or a flavoring, personally I like a peppermint lip balm but you could use cinnamon oil, which will also create a plumping effect too. Melt all the ingredients down in a bowl and pour into a lip balm container or lip balm tube.
All of these lip balm recipes and tutorials are easy to follow along and perfect for even beginners to have a go at making these lip balms. You need basic supplies for making lip balms so choose one that suits your abilities. If you are looking for lip balm containers I highly recommend looking on amazon as you can find lots of different styles for DIY lip balm containers.
Here is one of our own basic lip balm recipes to get you started
What you need
1 oz (28 g) Shea Butter
1 oz (28 g) Beeswax
1 oz (28 g) Organic Goats Milk Powder
.3 oz (8 g) Olive Oil
.9 (oz 25 g) Vitamin E Oil
1 oz (28 g) Apricot Oil or substitute for other oil
The Goat’s milk in this recipe will leave your lips soft and smooth.
Start by using a double boiler to melt down the shea butter and beeswax. Once melted stir in the remaining oils and then the goat’s milk powder. Whisk well to break down any lumps. Once cooled pour into a small container and enjoy!!
1- Homemade Peppermint Lip Balm from Eat Drink Love
2- Homemade Orange Kiss Balm from Everything Etsy
3- Burts Bees Balm Copycat from Happy Money Saver
4- 5 Min EOS Lip Balm from DIY Joy
5- Kool Aid Lip Gloss from Adventures In All Things Food
6- Vanilla Lip Balm from Little House Living
7- Organic Lip Balm from Living The Nourished Life
8- Spiced Chai Lip Balm from The Paleo Mama
Looking for more Goat’s Milk recipes? Check out our DIY recipe for making your own goat’s milk lip chapstick. The Goat’s milk in this DIY Goat’s Milk Chapstick recipe will leave your lips soft and smooth. The PH Level in goat’s milk is super skin-friendly and the lactic acid helps remove dead skin cells from your lips for a soft and brighter smile. The ingredients are so basic for making this lip balm you will be surprised, you may even have the chapstick ingredients in your fridge or pantry.
Hi n thanks for the awesome videos. My ? For you is can we use cinnamon as a scent n wld it help plump the lips. God bless u n your family