OK, let me warn you BEFORE you click. If you do not like profanity then do NOT click this link. Shannon from Shannon’s kitchen gives a very down to earth low down explanation on Coconut oil. Her opening line is – Is coconut oil for rubbing on your —-
Again remember if you don’t like swear words then don’t visit it for everyone else, interesting article with a more than interesting writing style.
In real life I drop the f bomb a lot. I swear on a daily basis. This lady takes it over the top, obviously using shocking language as a ploy to get people to read her blog. I’ve read tons on coconut oil and never heard it called a superfood in the US. (Although I haven’t looked it up in the past year). It’s obviously a fat so it would never be called that by anyone with a reputable degree. Coconut oil has a lot of hype Bc it’s an all natural substance that you can eat, use it in beauty products, and use it for oil pulling-which has been reported to help “fix” tiny cavities in your teeth. If you plan on reading the article,which is just her opinion of another article she read and threw in the C word more times than I ever care to read EVER. Im not easily offended, but she hit a nerve. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have a clear understanding of how the body really works, although she does give correct information on the structures of fat itself. She seems more concerned with dismissing it because others are hyping it up, mostly Bc it doesn’t contain Omega 3s. I just wanted to post a further warning Bc I expected to see a few swear words, but it’s excessive. It’s not necessary to excessively use profanity in like that, and I think it unfortunately discredits anything she has to say that is important. Which is SO hypocritical of me to say, but I guess even *i* have a limit, which is refreshing to know in a weird way. (I am an RN in the US so I do have the credentials to back up my opinion on her writing about fats-organic Chem and the effects on the body). She does have the ability to make difficult concepts more easy to read by the non-medical population, but that is totally clouded by her humor-by using shocking language and even more shocking comparisons to female genetalia. :/ I would say this to her, but I try not to troll people and by reading the comments she obviously isn’t going to change things or take any constructive critism seriously. Plus there are people who actually find her entertaining. i know I was warned 🙂 and it doesn’t change my opinion about this blog which I read almost daily.
Claire, thanks for your feedback, Yes her ability to put things into lay words is good. I wonder if her blog would get more traffic with less profanity? Not likely as then it would be the same as every other blog.
Maybe she is also a good business woman, as her blog post get’s a lot more traffic than any of my bath and body write-ups. Don’t worry though I am not going to start using swear words. 🙂 Everyone please remember there is a warning for a reason.
Thank you Shellie and Kerrie for your comments. After I read your post, i decided not to watch the video with all the swearing. Who needs more of this in your life. I can surely do without. There are plenty of other sites that are better. Thank You for warning ahead of the language.
I use some profanity and always thought I was liberal in my thinking. Also do not like to put down blogs, people etc.
But that article way over the top, and not in a good way. I didn’t finish reading the article bc of that. Too much good interesting stuff out there.
I’m not a nurse, nor am I a nun… However, my thoughts on her excessive cursing and use of nasty slang terms are so irritating to try and read through. I throw f bombs around here and there, but seriously.. It’s not even amusing. It doesn’t offend me but it certainly doesn’t make me want to visit her blog again. Just saying!
I’m not easily offended either, but I actually gasped twice and stopped reading it. You did try to warn us, though. But it’s just not funny. It’s more shocking than funny or clever.
Wow, I work with truck drivers who speak better then that. Seemed to have great info. But so hard to drown out the cussing. Had to be done intentionally. Dispite my Mothers teaching I do drop a few bombs here and there. No one really talks like THAT do they? Guess bad attention is better than none.
Thanks for the warning, I won’t bother reading her article or blog. I wiill only blame myself if (and I think there is a strong possibility here) I get effed off by some-person-I-hardly-know’s language.