It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or what you do for a living, seasonal colds, Coronavirus and flu (influenza) does not discriminate. It attacks the healthy, the old, the young and the weak. But when it attacks a DIY crafter it gets everything “natural” thrown at it. I love the garlic and honey recipe. The only thing I would add is to make sure you are using top quality Manuka (medicinal grade) honey. It’s expensive but well worth the difference.
Anti-inflammatory Flu Drink – Perfect for swollen joints and aching muscles.
Garlic Infused honey – Perfect for soothing the throat.
Cold and Flu Tea syrup – Add this to hot water or tea for a soothing aid.
Shower Melts – Add these to your shower for instant sinus relief.
Fire Cider – This one is more of a tonic, but full of goodness if you can get it down.
Garlic and Lemon Tea Infusers – Pour hot water over these ice cubes for infused tea.
Cold and Flu Lotion bar – Rub this on and soothe away the aches.
Headache Relief Pots – Not just for flu season but great for headaches that come with flu.
Flu Ice cream Sorbet – The pepper and Ginger will kick away your Flu one cold soothing mouthful at a time.
Flu Fighting Cookies – These are more a preventive then a fix you up. With some good wholesome herbs and spices.
The flu is a virus and none of these will cure it, although hot liquids may provide temporary relief from some symptoms.