, a form of salicylic acid is an all natural skin care ingredient . Salicylic acid, a BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) has the ability to penetrate the skin deeply to unclog pores and effectively exfoliate dead skin cells reducing the incident of acne breakouts whilst stimulating cell renewal leaving you with smooth, vibrant looking skin. This is truly one of the best kept secrets, why pay hundreds of dollars on chemical laden products available on the market when you can do it yourself naturally for under $5. You don’t have to buy expensive aspirin either generic aspirin works just as well. So get rejuvenating today 🙂
* 5-10 Aspirin Tablets
* Mortar & Pestle
* A fruit acid of your choice – choose from freshly squeezed Lemon, Lime or Orange
Crush the tablets into a fine powder using your mortar & pestle
mix in enough fruit juice ( a few teaspoons )to make a thick paste
apply to face leave on 5 -10 minutes then massage on face in a circular motion.
Rinse/wash face apply moisturiser.
* A dairy product (lactic acid) such as yogurt, cream, or milk can be substituted for the fruit acid or used in combination with the basic aspirin facial recipe for the oilier skin types.
* It is beneficial for dry and sensitive skin types to add a teaspoon of honey or aloe vera pulp to the basic aspirin facial recipe.
Do not use this mask if you are allergic to aspirin. If you are allergic, aspirin could cause hives, stomach bleeding, facial swelling, difficulty breathing, and even shock. Absolutely do not use the aspirin mask if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take other medications. If unsure check with your doctor before trying this facial
I just wanted to say I’m *not* allergic to aspirin when I take it in pill form, however, when I applied it (using a commercially available product) to remove calluses from my feet, after a few days I had incredibly painful, itchy rashes all over my feet. It may take several days to discover one is allergic.
I did this facial yesterday and I must say my face feels amazing today!!! Not only to the touch but it feels cleaner from the inside. I used 10 aspirin and a teaspoon of fresh orange juice and a teaspoon of milk. I am 40 and noticing an increase in adult acne. I will be using this facial at least once a month. Thank you for passing it along.
This is a good warning for anyone interested in using this: While you may not be allergic to taking aspirin orally, you may be allergic to using it topically! If you haven’t put aspirin on your skin before, be sure to test it on a small patch of skin that won’t bother you too much if it does get inflamed. If the area turns red, burns, or feels chapped afterwards, do not use it!
I’v been using this once a week for several months now and its really amazing. My routine is like this: Clean my face, scrub, steam and then crush 3or4 aspirin mixed with a teaspoon of warm honey and apply on my face. I carry it as long as i want especially while doin chores,tho yesterday i tried meltin the aspirin wt an astringent rather than water. It has completely cleared all my acne. Am lovin it
Fantastic Deborah I love this facial gives you a nice glow and so cheap
To those claiming a topical aspirin ‘allergy’ one of two things is happening – you did not dilute your aspirin enough to effectively reduce the harmful PH to a skin safe level. If you do not do this correctly you WILL recieve an unpleasant chemical burn.
OR, exclude the fruit acid. It is not necessary and can be very irritating to most skin types. A simple solution of water and Aspirin will do, but if you would like a binding agent a daub of honey will help.
Another tip is to avoid the mortar and pestle and just allow the ASA UNCOATED tablets to dissolve in a shallow glass or the palm of your hand. Make sure the tablets are uncoated as the coatings contain pore-clogging binders and sharp chunks that can be abrasive to the skin.
I hope some of you have found this helpful, and remember to only use this regimen a couple times a week to avoid excessive drying of skin and irritation. Be sure to use a good moisturizer afterwards if you find your skin is getting too flakey.