In case you hadn’t noticed Epsom Salts are the new “Coconut Oil” of the health world. Technically of course they are not new. Check out some of our older posts on Things to do with Epsom Salts. Meantime treat your face to a glowing Epsom Salt Facial with these basic but effective salt and honey scrub.
Epsom salts and Magnesium salts
are not quite the same things. Epsom Salts Is Magnesium Sulphate and Magnesium flakes are Magnesium Chloride. So what does that mean for you, Epsom salt is harder to absorb into the body than a straight magnesium flake. But either is going to do wonders for your body and once you go Epsom salt or Magnesium you never go back. Epsom salt/Magnesium is great for the body and mind. Epsom salt helps relax muscles and relieve pain in the body and can promote sleep. Epsom salt/Magnesium helps stabilize your mood and relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, something we all need help with.
Looking for more magnesium and Epsom salt recipes? Check out these DIY recipes
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