Who loves bath fizzies? I do they come in various shapes and sizes I have never seen them looking as cute as these sugar cube inspired bath fizzies from Martha Stewart. The perfect gift, craft idea with christmas coming why not make these yourself and gift them to someone special.
You Will Need
1/2 cup *citric acid
1 cup baking soda
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup organic cane sugar
About 6 drops food coloring
10 to 15 drops essential oil(s)
Special equipment: 2-ounce travel-size spray bottle, plastic pipette, silicone ice-cube tray, storage jars
*Citric acid, a common food additive, is available at wine-making-supply stores, some spice shops, and online. When citric acid is combined with baking soda and placed in water, a chemical reaction creates bubbles AKA The Fizz 🙂
For step by step instructions pop on over here Thanks Martha:)
Why the organic cane sugar, is it for texture? And thanks for sharing this. 🙂
Hi Haley I am not 100% sure, I was as perplexed as you 🙂
they look almost eadable in their jar 😀 I did fizzy cupcake bathboms myself recently! It’s so easy and they make a great gift!!