Turmeric is one of those secret weapons against disease and inflammation. I use it in all my Indian cooking and might consider adding it to some more western style dishes too. Someone suggested I start taking the capsules for joint inflammation but so far I haven’t found them. Maybe I should just eat myself healthy.
For the full tutorial visit here Eastern Youthful Skin Recipe.
apparently fresh turmeric root, found in wholistic food stores, is good, too
Turmeric pills can be found at Puritains Pride Phone 1 800 645 1030.
You get three bottles for around 10.00. Buy one get two free.
They also are wonderful for regularization of your bowels.
The cheapest way of obtaining turmeric pills is to purchase empty capsules and fill them with turmeric yourself.
Turmeric is also a great healer of wounds. When one of our dogs gets a cut the first thing I do is make up a paste of turmeric and water and spread it over the injury. I then apply a bandage to stop the dog from licking the turmeric off. It really does speed up the healing process.