Falling Apart: Why it is Okay
Let’s not sugarcoat it- life sucks sometimes, and that’s actually an understatement in itself. It
may hit you with your worst fears and you might feel like you’ve just been hit by a truck, and
each one of us has a different coping mechanism- some are better than others when it comes to
dealing with the trials and stress of life.
But is it really okay to fall apart? It turns out, yes! Keep reading to find out exactly why it is
okay (and even better) to just fall apart sometimes. Sometimes the stress becomes too much.
Just Take a Break
When everything around you seems to be going wrong, you might lose your ability to function.
Those hit with the worst cases of depression often say that they even experience an inability to
get up from their bed- they just stay in- that’s how demotivated they feel.
If that sounds like you or you’re somewhere close, here’s what you’ve got to do- just take a
break, and enjoy it. Even if it seems like the last thing you’d do. Yes, plugging out is sometimes
even more necessary than finding a solution to whatever problem you’re stuck in.
Breaks are therapeutic in the real sense, and if you’re falling apart, you seriously need one.
Nothing is Permanent
If there are three words that can offer you comfort and solace like no other (apart from I love
you), they are this- nothing is permanent. If you’re feeling on top of the world (sorry to break it
to you) but things aren’t always going to be this way, and if you’re having the worst day of your
life, remember that this isn’t permanent. Change is the only constant in life, and the feelings
you’re feeling at the moment and the pain you’re experiencing is temporary, even if you don’t
feel like it.
Falling Apart is Healing
More often than not, falling apart is actually life’s way of resetting you- giving you a new life.
Just like the phoenix rises from his ashes, when things fall apart, it is actually your key to rebuild
your life, this time, the way you want to.
It is when you’re at your lowest in life that you’re able to see the clear picture- the bigger picture
and you’re able to view things from a different perspective that you usually do. When you’re
falling apart, you might hate yourself, hate your life and everything else, and you may dwell in
that for what seems like ages, but one fine day, you’ll get up, and decide to take charge. And that
spirit is unmatched. It is flawless. It is stronger than you can possibly fathom.
Falling apart will teach you to appreciate the things you have, and you didn’t really notice. It’ll
teach you to be stronger, and have that determination that you probably didn’t know you had.
In the end, you’ll realize how falling apart was actually worth it.
Very very good advice. I am 63 years old!!! It has taken me a long time to learn to say no to things, sorry, and learn that perfection is over rated. There is no special place in Heaven for perfect people.
I have “melt downs” weekly. I take care of my dad, my hubbs and have two daughters close by with adorable babies. I feel spread thin. Some days my brains feel too full. That is the part that makes me feel like I am falling apart. Forgetting things, misremembering things etc
I have learned to make lists, find time each day to do one little thing that makes me happy.
Most important, make time to exercise. Put on some music and dance for 15 minutes, or treadmill, or do 50 jumping macks. Exercise is a must
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.. I agree with the finding 5 minutes.