Love these handy soap making printables by Three Little Goats. These free printables allow you to jot down your recipes as well as take notes on each DIY soapmaking batch. This soap making printable is available here.
By keeping track of your soapmaking recipe it allows you to tweak it once it has reached testing level. Let’s say batch number 3 turns out it dries peoples skin out too much? well rather than start from scratch you can go back to your free printable and make small changes to tweak your DIY soapmaking recipe.
Looking for something a little more combines check out this Soap making journal.
Looking for more soap recipes? Check these out.
The printables look easy to use
Your printables are not usable since they are coming out as all gibberish and not legible for use. Very disappointed.
Think this may be an issue on your side Vivian
ok, where do i find the soap making journal pint outs??? Linda
The printable are coming out jibberous
Hi Lynn – are you hitting the download button to download/save the printables? I just tried it and it worked for me. Let me know if I can help more!