This blog post contains information that you should read, and by read I don’t mean read the tagline on facebook, pinterest or any other social media outlet. You need to actually read what I write on my blog.
It is with great regret that I have to write this e-mail, but it has been eating at me (no not literally) for weeks. I have tossed so many thoughts through my head, questioning my own beliefs, values and importance. One thing I know for sure is I am not very good at taking criticism but when you hit me with slander, threats to stop reading my blog I kinda get upset but then I get angry.
This is MY angry outburst.
Why do I get angry? Let me give you a few examples of how Social media enables people to be bitchy, mean and judgemental.
Example 1: This featured on the 23rd of April about getting lips like Kylie Jenner. The post was displayed on our Facebook page. The Facebook post was viewed 42,000 times. 56 people commented on it. Comments ranged from anger at helping these girls to be “famous”, anger for posting something not craft related and of course anger at writing an article about Kylie Jenner having big lips.
Annoyance #1 – The article was actually about a current trend where young girls were using containers to plump their lips and causing harm. This article shared natural and safer alternatives for the girls (who are going to do it anyway).
Annoyance #2 – The article/post was featured on this bath and body blog. A blog devoted to DIY recipes for facials, soaps, creams, lotions and other health (body) things. As it is DIY it most certainly comes under craft and it comes from a blog that has been on the network for over 6 years.
Annoyance #3 – 56 people commented on the Facebook post however 0 people commented on the actual article (on my blog) . The actual amount of people who clicked through to read the full article (and thus know its actual content see Annoyance #1) was only around 1600 people. So only around 3% of people on Facebook actually read the article before slandering the post.
Annoyance #4 – If these girls want to be famous for being famous then who cares. It is their life and they can do what they want. Since when do we have the right to tell people what to do? We can guide them, we can advise them but to shun them for their life choices, what does that do? If being famous was easy we would all be famous.
Example 2:
Baby enemas I can’t link to this post as I was forced to take it down. Yes – forced to remove something even though it was not wrong. Why did I have to remove it? 100’s of people disliked our Facebook page and we were losing traffic at an alarming rate. (Believe it or not I have bills to pay, this is my sole income).
What was the controversy? I wrote an article on how Scientology believes that an Enema could possibly cure Autism.
Annoyance #1- Very few people actually clicked through (from Facebook) and read the full article. Based on the title the judgement was that I was supporting the process and also believed this technique to be true. Had they read the article they would have seen that this was the total opposite of my view and I was slamming Scientology for their crazy beliefs.
Annoyance #2 – was slammed for not writing craft topics and that we should stick to craft. Yet 20 other DIY posts went live that same day.
Annoyance #3 – The traffic that this brought to our site (not from Facebook)) was higher than a typical DIY craft post, yet I was slammed for writing irrelevant content that nobody wanted to read. Yet nearly 70% more people actually read it.
Annoyance #4 – Apparently the image of a baby crying was disgraceful and I should be ashamed for showing it. I don’t know about you but my kids cry like that 2-3 times a week. Of course its heartbreaking to see a picture of (anyone) crying but the reality of life is people cry. It’s not as if the image was of a baby getting an enema (as people wanted to believe it was). It was a stock image seen all over the internet that I used for it’s shock value (it worked) but for all the wrong reasons.
Example 3:
This one is about copyright issues. I know how important it is to protect your work, content etc. I have been the little guy fighting for what’s mine and now I am the (little bit bigger) guy still fighting for what’s mine. 90% of all copyright issues that come to us are from bloggers who do not want us to link to their website. Seriously? You don’t want the exposure? You don’t want the traffic? This reminds me of this article about copyright being for scaredy cats.
Then we have the other 10% who email me frightfully aggressive letters about how I will be taken to court if I do not remove their pattern or tutorial. I then have to remind them that they gave us permission to reprint their pattern or image and send them proof of our correspondence. If you are wondering if any of them ever apologize then the answer is no. No they don’t.
I am a big advocate of everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is one exception.
You have to had read my FULL article first!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned through and about social media it’s that the world is full of loud mouthed assholes and you shouldn’t take it personally. And if it’s getting to you this much you should take a break! And I realize you said this is your income and you probably can’t take a break, so I would suggest you skip the comments for a while. I’m sorry you get nasty emails. I don’t even know what to say to that! Especially when they are nasty emails from someone that you are basically doing business with. :/ Or procuring business for. Maybe just tell them “Thanks for the apology! I’m super happy to help you get the word out about (fill in the blank)” and then take down their crap anyways. Cuz seriously who doesn’t appreciate free advertising or traffic?!
well said good on you keep doing what your doing you do it so well big love marc
Well said. For these same reasons, I have considered throwing social media into the trash and actually resuming my life! Since when (in the past 53 years) is it okay to judge a writing without reading it in its entirety?? Ugh!!!! Folks are angry and have found a convenient and anonymous landfill into which they can throw their rage!! Sorry for the trouble the latter has caused you. Soldier on!