It has so much of the “Good Stuff” in it that it’s recommended we drink it every morning. But seriously? I don’t think I can stand the smell. What about you?
Could you drink lemon juice every morning? I like hot lemon water where it contains a small squeeze of lemon but these sort of quantities? No Way!
I was also told that lemon juice strips the teeth enamel and especially the sensitive toothpaste off my teeth. So after having lemon water I get sensitive teeth.
But lemon juice is not just a cleanser for your body but studies indicate that it helps with so much more including: Weight Loss, inflammation, alcohol cravings, fibromyalgia, nail care and can even help prevent food poisoning.
Is lemon juice really a natural wonder tonic? Have you used it as a DIY treatment for an ailment? Did it help? Share here.
Do I have to drink all at once. How about three doses with honey???
How much lemon juice are you supposed to drink ?
I’m using lemon juice to help break up kidney stones. Fingers cross it helps. WORST PAIN EVER!
It’s a shot. Just knock it back & swallow in one gulp. No sitting on the teeth, no hanging out in the mouth – just one & done. It’s not so hard, really.
I’ve never had that much at once, but I would drink it quickly and then rinse my teeth off afterwards!
I grew up with a lemon tree in our front yard and an elderly neighbor would come and get the lemon leaves and make a tea every day. I grew up eating lemons all the time. I swear its why I was never fat or hardly ever sick as a kid because we had to fend for ourselves often and we ate junk with a capital J.
I’ve used it before kidney stones and it really helped with those. I make sure I keep some in the refrigerator I also shared that info with a male friend and he started drinking some everyday because he had previously ended up at the ER once a month with kidney stone pain. He told me that now when he starts feeling twinges from one starting he starts drinking lemon juice. I just didn’t realize it is supposed to help with the other things you listed.
You could use a straw and direct it to the back of your mouth to prevent the acid from touching your teeth.
Yes, I could definitely do this. I have Crohns and after a flare of vomiting, I crave lemon slices with salt on them and I drink pickle juice from the jar with a straw. It’s got something to do with getting the stomach acids replenished.
I am willing to give it a try