See that WHAT THE HELL look on his face? Well that is because giant cosmetic company L’Oreal is suing this small UK bath bomb company for picking the wrong name (Naked).
The only “picking” going on here, is by a big company who feels threatened by a small Bath bomb business?
I understand and 100% appreciate companies (of any size) trying to keep their business, and their names and everything else safe. I mean, has been copied, taking advantage of, and numerous business’s are hanging on to our coat tails. BUT! How is this Bath bomb business’s name going to harm this giant company?
Sign their petition to fight it here and Read more about the article here.
This petition should be open globally… It affects all small businesses. I tried to sign the petition, but it was only open to UK residents and I’m in Canada 🙁
I do not know about how the UK and the EU view this, but in the USA there is a distinct difference between SOAP and COSMETICS. L’Oreal should also know this. They claim they own the rights to the word Naked in relation to cosmetics. The Naked SOAP company does NOT make cosmetics, but rather SOAP and bath bombs, which are not considered cosmetics.
L’Oreal should be ashamed of themselves. As a soap maker ourselves, my wife and I will ensure that not only will she not buy ANY product made by L’Oreal, but she will also let her friends know not to buy L’Oreal products, and I am spreading the word on my Facebook page too