Another year is about to pass and like most people, we are wishing it farewell!
Hoping that next year will be better or at the very least different. I don’t think most of us have actually had a crappy year but we/people in general rarely take the time to appreciate the good days. We get burdened with the crappy ones! Henceforth we will drink away the year gone by and cheer in the new one like little naive/optimistic children who truly believe (even if only for New Year’s Eve) that life is going to be great from the following day onwards.
This, of course, involves the New Year’s Resolutions.
I don’t recall ever making one, at least not seriously. I have also never kept one. Have you? Were they original or were yours just like everyone else? Some of the top-ranked (according to random google searches of random “top ranked” sites)
Top New Year’s Resolutions are :
Lose Weight – Yep that one sounds familiar.
Quit Smoking – Never did it. OK there was this one time I was up a tree and… (it’s a long story)
Get a Better Education – I should do this, but I can’t recall my shopping list let alone a text book.
Get Fit – For me get fit means join a gym which is expensive which leads me to the following resolution as the excuse.
Save Money – I save money by 1 : not joining the gym and 2: not spending $1000 of dollars on fashionable workout gear so that everyone actually knows I work out at the gym. I am however considering buying the workout gear and just going home to mop the floors like the good devoted wife and mother who sacrifices ME time so I am unable to find time to go the gym. (good excuse right?)
Drink Less Alcohol – Not really an issue for me but I’ll keep it in check just in case.
I think the hardest thing about a New Year’s Resolution is coming up with something original, something worthwhile. When people ask me I just pull my “oh please” face. The same one I pull when people ask me if I want to go the gym with them.
OK I am lying I do want to go the gym but my body says no: not today you’re tired you should rest up.
Oh I feel my New Year’s Resolution coming….. To find a magic pill that will either motivate me to lose weight or drop the kilos off for me. See there we go again totally UN-original and selfish too. Should a New Year’s Resolution be self devoting? Should we be making resolutions to change the world and create world peace instead?
So which ones should you be making? Here is my little list of the Resolutions you should be making for 2015.
1: To read my blog more – Obviously! It pays my bills which means I could afford that overpriced workout gear that screams “I go the gym”.
2: To take time for yourself – Not a shower alone or time to clean the house when the kids are at school, but real honest me time when you sit and think and evaluate your life.
3: Laugh more – This one is a quote you see all the time but truly we should all laugh more. laugh with the kids. Do crazy silly things and be proud of it. You know what they say, kids are only kids once so let them see you be silly once too.
4: Say yes – Say yes more often than you normally would. You should try everything.
5: Say no – Say no more often than you normally would. You can’t do everything.
6: Celebrate NYE every night – treat every day as the new one it literally is – Plan your resolutions for the day and check them off as you pull them off.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Share below and help inspire each other.
Happy Pending New Year Everyone….
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