Making your own cosmetics can be fun, but sometimes filling those little tubes and containers with hot from the stove product can be a bit tricky. Here’s a method that will help.
Fill a cake pan halfway with layer of uncooked rice, lentils or small beans. Stand the tubes or containers straight up so their bases are flat against the pan bottoms and the rice is holding the tubes firmly in place. Using a dropper or turkey baster, draw up the melted product and squirt it gently into each tube. Any excess drips should fall onto the rice. Let the product cool in the tubes until it becomes solid.
This is a very neat idea. I like it very much.
I find it easier to use a lipstick mould – These don’t fall over when pouring in a lip balm or lipstick mixture. Plus you can them recycle all of your favorite lipstick holders. Yes it may look like a channel lipstick – but its really my creation in there!