The main aim of a fabric mask is to prevent YOUR bodily fluids from being expelled or you being splashed on by someone else’s bodily fluids. It is my (non-medical) understanding that air still flows through the masks. The best fabric for surgical face masks is cotton that can be easily washed and NON woven fabric as a filter that can be replaced several times during the day. You can purchase readymade carbon filters too.
We have been getting so many e-mails from readers asking if we have free patterns for making your own medical masks or surgical masks. Most countries are experiencing a shortage due to the coronavirus COVID 19 and people are wanting to find a backup.
Of course, no medical mask is as good as a surgical grade respirator mask but unfortunately, we do not have a DIY for one of those just yet.
Some of the DIY patterns for surgical masks below use dried out non-woven baby wipes as the filter, but you will need to find a pattern to suit your own needs.
- Gathered facemask with Ear loops (Pink floral in Photo)
- Shaped Face and nose curved surgical mask for a tight fit (camo fabric photo)
- Craft passion has a great pdf template for sewing your own medical mask and comes in different sizes for different ages too. Craft passion face mask is one of the most popular patterns at the moment as it is easy to follow. You can see it on the Craft passion website. They also have a version for a facemask cover
- Bluprint has create an online tutorial for a firm structured mask also, this style tends to sit on the face better.
- Of course, you can’t beat off the evil coronavirus without this Starwars themed Medical mask by Me sewcrazy.
- This mask is created using a Knitting pattern. I am not sure how great this one would be without a filter but, anything is better than nothing when it comes to the flu. Here is a crochet version with inserts for filters.
- Not up to making your own surgical masks? You can still buy handmade fabric masks on Etsy.
Even though last week when we wrote this article we got complaints about running this article, now medical centres are ASKING for sewing people to make masks. Masks a million is what it is being referred too and here is a pattern for making medical centre masks. If you have some spare time maybe you can make some to donate too to help support our doctors and medical staff.
We have now created a facebook group for making the medical masks and other Charity sewing projects.
Updated to add there are still huge amounts of supplies available you just need to know where to look. not only has masks and hand sanitizer but they even sell coronavirus test kits (though surely it can’t be that easy can it?) Make sure you check their shipping times.
Check out this article about all the different options for safe and suitable mask filters. Wondering how to strengthen your mask? Add interfacing. We also found a supplier for the metal nose clips.
We have added a tutorial for making the Face Shields which can be found here.
Looking for more tips on how to build up your immunity and prevent common colds and flu? check these articles out
5 Essentials oils for coughs and Colds
DIY Hand sanitizers you can make at home.
This post contains affiliate links which means when you purchase from them we get a small % in kickback
Before making these masks for your local hospital or medical centre, make sure they are accepting them. Each country and location have their own rules and guidelines when making these to donate.
Looking for Mask Mates headbands with buttons to prevent the elastics pulling on the ears? Check out this Crochet Tutorial.
In the last few weeks, sewing supplies have become hard to obtain, including Elastic. If you are looking for supplies many Handmade crafters are selling off their stock of Elastic on Etsy
Need to make a lot of masks? Check out this amazing Mask Cutting Machine. It cuts 6 masks out at a time!
Wanting to create your own custom face mask? Check out this Website that allows you to design your own mask with ,photos, font and colors.
Updated to add a UK based Mask seller for premium anti-bacterial masks.
I think it would be nice if the knit face mask pattern was FREE.
These are more harmful than helpful. Here’s why: no matter the fabric, it’s too porous to filter fine particulates; it will not be firm around the face to filter even if it could; you will tend to touch your face more which is exactly what you shouldn’t do; a false sense of security which may make you less vigilant.
Masks will not stop the Coronavirus if that is what you want them for.
Shame on Craft Gossip for promoting these DIY articles to prevent the virus. I read one article for DIY hand sanitizer that contained only 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol to 1 cup of gel. NOT ENOUGH. Needs to be 60 per cent. I will not trust these articles. Use CDC.
You need to read the entire article to understand what message is being relayed: “The main aim of a fabric mask is to prevent YOUR bodily fluids from being expelled or you being splashed on by someone elseโs bodily fluids. It is my (non-medical) understanding that air still flows through the mask. The best fabric for surgical face masks is cotton that can be easily washed and NON woven fabric as a filter that can be replaced several times during the day.”
Thank you for your information . You plainly state that this is to keep Your Bodily Fluids away from others and repel some of what others expel. This is clearly not intended to be a fix for the coronavirus.
Thank you for the information, I understand the intent of this home made face mask, to stop transmission of body fluids and I do not have a false security of protecton. People we need to read carefully before we, make condemning remarks! Again thank you for the information and the clarification on how this mask is to be used!!!!! Danielle Knoll
Because of the extreme shortage of PPE, the CDC is recommending health care workers consider using homemade masks such as bandanas.
Hospitals such as Deaconess have reached out to the public and asked them to sew masks and the public has responded.
Coronavirus is spread through droplets and a regular surgical mask provides adequate protection unless you are doing a high risk intervention such as intubation, suctioning, or giving someone a nebulizer treatment – something no one in the public is going to do.
Lay people are flipping out and unnecessarily buying up the N95 masks which leaves the healthcare providers without proper PPE when they need it.
Read the CDC website. You don’t need an N95 mask. Simple surgical masks are what health care providers are wearing when caring for these patients. I’m an ER nurse. Unless we are performing a high risk procedure, we wear surgical masks.
Stop buying up the N95 masks. Sew yourself some masks. They will provide adequate protection. Leave the commercial masks for health care providers.
Thank you for the free instructions! I am sharing with my friends who have kids that work in hospitals. They have run out of masks and these may give them a little protection….which is better then none. I also plan to make a few to pass out to my doctors and their staff. Again, thank you.
The CDC is saying if all else fails wear a bandana. In light of that statement these masks might be a step up.
Remember the Chernobyl clean up crew was issued raincoats for protection.
I am a retired nurse and the “nay-sayers” shock me! Home-made face masks are being requested by our local hospitals because they realize that something is better than nothing. Even surgical masks cannot filter out viruses, they’re not intended to. Viruses are microscopic! However, any material that allows you to breath through it can protect you from droplets carrying the virus whether the droplet is from you or coming to you from someone else. Personally, I’m dropping the argument and getting to work on masks that can be washed, and reused. Thank you for providing Craft Gossip for providing patterns whether free or at a small charge!
Thank you for this pattern. My husband is seeing patients with only a flimsy paper mask, designed to protect the patient. My daughter is working the desk. I feel blessed and THANKFUL for this pattern. I will be making these with the “pocket” and enclosing the AC filters in them. It will be a great improvement to what they are using. I will be giving them to others also. I do not like the snide remarks. If you do not want to wear one, you do not have to. I have searched and this pattern required what I have on hand. THANK YOU FOR THIS PATTERN> THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESEARCH!!! God Bless!
Thank you for posting this. I have plenty of nurses as family and friends. They all agree that something is better than nothing. One nurse friend has made some for her office. She will be using them as an extra layer over her N95 masks. These neigh-sayers need to stop speaking negatively and start speaking life! Or as mom used to say….. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!
The homemade ones can cover the paper masks, so you save the paper one and wash the cloth one. That is better than no mask at all.
I would like to make a suggestion. I saw on Joann’s fabrics website that they used iron on interfacing when making masks which is a non-woven layer and should help the masks be more effective. I’m still trying to figure out how to make something that could form around the nose like the metal clips on the disposable masks. Anyone have any brilliant ideas
This mask can be used as a barrier to prevent the wearer from touching their own face, which is the main form of transfer of the virus. It will not protect you from direct contact of bodily fluids. Stay away from people that are sick to do that. We touch our faces throughout the day and don’t realize it. In the safety of your own disinfected home that is fine. Out side you need a gentle reminder to keep your hand off your face. All these masks are good for that.
you can use twist ties in the nose area to snug up the fit over the nose
perhaps metal prong fasteners – the kind used with manila folders – that you can get at office depot – could be used for the metal nose piece
Thank you for this article! I work in an ER and yes, we have a shortage of supplies. I am in a non-patient care role, and we use the paper masks. Because – YES – anything is better than nothing! I have been making these (or similar). I use 2 layers of 100% cotton fabric, with a layer of 100% cotton flannel in between. I used what elastic I had to start with, and have also been using thin elastic hair bands. I use pipe cleaners (in app 3 inch piece) and put inside the seam at the top of the mask. Wear them over your N95, over your paper masks . . . my parents, children and grandchildren wear them alone when they have to go out anywhere. Better than nothing!! Thanks again ๐
Something is better than nothing. I am immune compromised with Diabetes and Cancer. I’m also a recently medically retired nurse of 32 years, and I can tell you, this pattern for a reusable face mask is welcome! I will be making several in different colors to co ordinate with my outfits! Thank you for providing these patterns for us so we can do our part to protect ourselves and others! Now, to get sewing! Hint, all you crafters! It doesn’t take much fabric to make one, left over scraps from any other project is enough, less than a 1/4 yard of fabric! And for added protection, use a Hepa filter vacuum cleaner bag, cut the required patter piece and sandwich it in.
plastic coated wire ties or plastic coated wire used for gardening might be good for a flexible nose piece in a pocket on the top of the mask as someone else described.
Can you use unscented dryer sheets as a liner for added protection?
A european study showed that two layers of tea towel filters 97% of the virus just as effective as the surgical masks. I also added a cotton poly blend layer on the outside to look nicer, but it also adds to the protection. I am curling the ends of 20g wire that I am stiching into the nose area for fitting. I have tried elastic, but it is hard to make a good fit so I am using twill tape for the ties.
Stupid question to ask but I will anyway. Is about six layers of toilet paper a good enough filter to help shelter someone from spreading this if it could be made into a disposable mask?
For an adjustable nose bridge to sew into the mask. Dollar store. Foam-covered wire which is intended to secure things like tomato plants to stakes. The package has 15, each almost 10 inches. Could make at least 2 or even 3 to allow the mask to seal around the nose. Cost $1.50 per package (in Canada), probably less in the US. (Our Dollar stores are considered “essential services” here and don’t have to close. Ridiculous!)
No. Unscented dryer sheets will not work. Layered toilet paper will not work. Both are too porous and loosely woven. I saw the tea towel test too, but many tea towels are loosely woven and won’t help. Fabric must be something with a tight weave like 100 percent cotton. Lining should be medical grade, but if not available non-woven interfacing or HEPA filter vacuum cleaner bags or filters could help. I am also using twill tape for ties. Its sturdy, won’t unravel and I’ve got some already.
This needs a title change. These will NOT prevent colds, flu, viruses, especially Covid-19. You should never say it does because that is irresponsible and dangerous. This needs to reflect the only reason you should use a mask like this is to help stop spreading germs if you are sick but they are too porous to prevent you from getting sick. It only helps keep you from spreading it!
it says to help avoid flu and virues
it says “masks you can make at home to help avoid flu and viruses”
I used pipe cleaners for the wire part on the top of the mask! Better than nothing at all!
Studies have shown that these mask can stop about 50 percent of viruses being shot at them. That would certainly reduce the chance of one’s contracting the virus. Nurses in some ERs are already at risk because they are using single use masks for a week, unless it fails and then they must scan their badge to get a new one. My daughter is one of these nurses. The concern about masks is that they will give people a false sense of security. These masks are not a substitute for hand washing, and keeping a distance.
thanks for posting the patterns and instructions. This is a great community service. You Did Good, Ignore the Trolls
As a RN and someone who has sewn almost 300 masks in the last 6 days. Sewing for 14 to 16 hours a day. No one forces anyone to wear the handmade mask. They are a protection mask to prevent the wearer from placing others in danger from there droplets if coughing or sneezing. And to help provide some protection from others. Always follow CDC recommendations. The people out there sewing are trying to help. Many people were not lucky enough to obtain masks and sanitizer before the hoarders managed to take and empty most shelves. A mask is a preventative not a solution. Wash your hands, keep them away from your face. Stay home if you can. Practice social distancing. But if you think they are bad then by all means don’t wear them. There are plenty of people who want them and I’m sure they will be happy to make sure you don’t have one.Please check with senior citizen facilities like assisted living and senior apartment to see is they need mask. The most vulnerable also. LADIES KEEP SEWING BECAUSE THERE ARE PLENTY OF CITIZENS WHO THANK YOU.