If you’re feeling sick, you may be interested to know that essential oils have been used for the common cough, and even colds. It’s been said that choosing the ones that best fit the exact symptoms is most helpful. You can also use them to help prevent coughs and colds in the first place. Here are five of the best essential oils for cough and colds.
Lemon Oil
Just as lemons themselves are often used to treat sore throats, it is said that lemon essential oil has the same benefits. This essential has been used to boost the immune system, as well as to inhibit bacterial growth. Lemon oil is derived from the skin of lemons. It is believed to have anti- inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, making it a potentially potent tool in
fighting a cough, colds, and congestion. Lemon oil is considered to be one of the best essential oils in this category.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is said to have an antispasmodic effect, which could help relieve a cough. It is also known for having antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and expectorant properties. As such, it has been commonly used in treating sinus infections, colds, respiratory infections, coughs, and sore throats. It is believed to provide a calm and soothing
effect while also helping to thin out mucus.
Thieves Oil
Thieves oil is actually an essential oil blend containing lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, clove, and rosemary. The name comes from a legend that says thieves created it during a great plague. These thieves were supposedly protected from catching the plague from their victims by rubbing themselves down with it before entering the victim’s homes. Many use it as a throat
spray due to the potential antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties.
Rosemary Oil
This essential oil cineole, a compound also found in eucalyptus. This compound is said to help break up mucus, as well as reduce inflammation. This may aid in easing the common cough and colds. It has been used for the treatment of asthma, whooping cough, sinus infections, respiratory infections, and more. This is often done with the aid of an essential oil diffuser.
Tea Tree Oil
This popular essential oil has been used in treating many symptoms and conditions, including those involving the throat. It has been known to contain antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties and has been used to fight against bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Because these organisms may cause inflammation, the use of tea tree oil could help reduce that inflammation.
Therefore, it’s long been used as one of the best essential oils for sore throats, bronchial congestion, the common cough, and colds.
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Here are three essential oil blends that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms:
Soothing Cold and Flu Blend:
4 drops eucalyptus essential oil
4 drops peppermint essential oil
4 drops tea tree essential oil
2 drops lemon essential oil
Directions: Add all the essential oils to a diffuser and diffuse for up to an hour. Alternatively, you can mix the oils with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil, and apply the mixture to your chest and neck.
Immune Boosting Cold and Flu Blend:
3 drops frankincense essential oil
3 drops oregano essential oil
3 drops thyme essential oil
2 drops lemon essential oil
Directions: Add all the essential oils to a diffuser and diffuse for up to an hour. Alternatively, you can mix the oils with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil, and apply the mixture to the bottoms of your feet.
Sinus Relief Cold and Flu Blend:
5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops tea tree essential oil
Directions: Add all the essential oils to a diffuser and diffuse for up to an hour. Alternatively, you can mix the oils with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil, and apply the mixture to your temples and forehead.
Note: Essential oils should never be ingested and should be used with caution. If you have any health concerns or are pregnant or nursing, consult with a healthcare provider before using essential oils.
“If you’re feeling sick, you may be interested to know that essential oils have been used for the common cough, and even colds” You may be even more interested to know that there is no clinical evidence that they work.
Very informative on each oil, however just one important thing was left out, how do you use the oils?