Next time you’re at a restaurant and your husband or kids are driving you crazy and you have a headache, just reach for lime and rub it on your forehead. Does Lime have magical healing powers? No probably not. I am yet to find an exact reason for it so if you know anymore share away. Oh and don’t forget to try it and report back to us, Did it work or not?
Update – OK so I have been getting some nasty replies about this one, I don’t always know WHY something works because firstly I am not a scientist or doctor I am just a blogging mum who is occasionally crafty and mostly frugal. Do you always need me to tell you the logic behind something? For the haters who are going to hate, hate, hate check out these headache solutions that don’t provide logical answers either. Maybe email them and let them know they are wasting their time blogging too.
Trust me if you have a migraine or headache just grab a lime and RUB IT ON YOUR HEAD (forgot this step in my original post) and see if it works.
Here are some other top Headache tips and tricks
Headaches can certainly ruin one’s day. However, there are ways in which you can ease the, at times, before they turn into full migraines. Try these tips as soon as you feel a headache forming.
Take over the counter medication
Medications like Tylenol and Motrin can ease many headaches. Follow the direction on the package. If you can take these with a small cup of coffee, they can even work faster. However, be warned that Tylenol does have caffeine in it. If you have problems with caffeine you may want to stick with Motrin. Yet, neither should be taken on a regular basis.
A warm compress
Place a warm compress over your eyes. The warmth may ease not only your pain but help to open your sinus cavities, which may be producing some of your pain in the first place.
Lie down
If you can, lie down in a dark room. If you can only lie down for ten minutes, this action of lying still with your eyes close can sometimes ease your pain. It gives your body time to relax and sometimes this is all we need to calm down those nerves that are starting to react and starting to produce the pain in your head.
Drink warm tea
Warm teas such as green tea and chamomile tea can warm up your body, ease your pain and help to relax your entire body. That is why they are always a good cure when you are sick or when you are beginning to experience head pain.
Gently massage your temples, forehead, and neck
If you can or someone else can gently massage your temple area, your forehead, and your neck area, you may be able to loosen up some of the tension that is building in those regions. This may help reduce your pain.
Eating something spicy
If you believe your headache may be due to your sinuses becoming plugged, you may want to try eating something spicy to help open them. However, if you feel any stomach discomfort you may want to skip this tip.
Try to meditate or practice a yoga pose
Meditation and yoga are two great ways to calm your body and to find your own state of relaxation. Sometimes all you need to stop a headache is to get your body in a relaxed state.
Take a brisk walk
Exercise stimulates our blood. This can help pump oxygen to our head. This is one reason why exercise can benefit an ongoing headache. If you exercise outside, the fresh air may also be beneficial.
If you continue to have headaches on a regular basis, seek advice from your physician on how to stop them permanently and find out the root of their cause.
What do you do with the lime – squeeze and drink, or cut and rub on the ache, … or throw at the kids?
Wait. Do we eat it, squeeze it in our drink, throw it at the children, rub it on our temples, take it with some tequila? How do we do this! (Kidding on the “throw it at your children” part!)
What are you suppose to do with the lime. Eat it, drink the juice, add the juice to water or water. Do you need to use the juice of the entire lime?
Wow. What a well written article. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into researching this. If you didn’t have any information about how or why limes can cure headaches, what did you bother posting this?
I have horrible headaches so I really want to try this but a question as to what I do with the lime do I squeeze it and drink it in water to I just inhale the scent rub it on my temples? Please let me know because I would really like to try this
What do you do with the lime? Just eat it?
What do you do with the lime? Eat it, rub it on your forehead, use the juice in a drink or what?
Oh I like the tequila option. I have updated it to rub it on your forehead.
Sometimes it’s not Why or how something works it whether it does or not isn’t it? Did you try it ? Did it work?
Updated it to include the rub on your head bit
Both my mother and sister suffer from horrible, everyday, never ending headaches —- I don’t care how it’s supposed to work, if there’s a chance for relief they are willing to try anything at least once!
There’s more about it on this website:
I’m thankful I don’t have migraine headaches, but suffering from a regular headache is bad enough and I would be willing to try new remedies since I can’t tolerate aspirin.
Let us know if it works…
Hello, not sure if it’s because the lime was cold or if the 4th dose of imitrex is starting to kick in, but I did feel immediate relief. It seems to be coming back. Will try again.
Thanks for sharing, I have a headache right now but no lime to try 🙁
The only problem with the link given ( is that the lime fruit is citrus and the link is about tilia ssp. I haven’t tried the lime remedy but I will. Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but do you cut it first or just roll the whole fruit over your forehead etc.?
My instinct would be to cut it.
What has happened to common sense? Has everything become so black and white that people can’t think outside the box and must be told to cut the friggn’ lime and then put on forehead? Even before the post was edited, I knew exactly what was supposed to be done with the lime.
As for the comment re: research as to why and how it works — WHO CARES? For anyone who has suffered with headaches, the only thing that is important is that the headache goes away. I haven’t tried it, but I will most definitely do so with my next headache.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Carolyn.We did update it for those who needed assistance with common sense.